Marketing and Communications Interest Group

Marketing and Communications Interest Group


Welcome to My EBP Village, a space for discussion and collaboration dedicated to marketing and communication professionals. This Group brings together experts and enthusiasts in these fields to share knowledge, experience and innovative practices.

Group Objectives:

  • Knowledge sharing: Discuss the latest trends and innovations in marketing and communications.
  • Networking: Develop your professional network and build relationships with other experts in the sector.
  • Collaborative projects: Initiating and participating in joint projects to develop new skills and solutions.
  • Improve your skills: Access exclusive resources and take part in workshops and seminars to improve your skills.
  • Discovering your professions: passing on your passions to young people seeking to build a career.

Our activities

  • Monthly meetings: Interactive sessions to discuss topical issues, case studies and challenges.
  • Webinars and workshops: Online training and practical workshops led by industry experts.
  • Discussion forums: Discussion platforms to ask questions, share ideas and seek advice.
  • Case studies: Analysis of successful marketing campaigns and communication strategies, with detailed feedback.

Member benefits

  • Broader network: Access to a large network of professionals and experts.
  • Visibility: Opportunities to present projects and case studies at events.
  • Exclusive Access: Participation in members-only events and access to exclusive content.
  • Professional Development: Access to continuing education programs and mentoring opportunities.

Join us

We invite you to play active role in discussions and share your ideas and experiences. Your participation is essential for the Group and making this community a valuable place of exchange and learning.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to your involvement and seeing our Group flourish thanks to your involvement.

Welcome aboard My EBP Village – together we can take marketing and communications to the next level!